Entry Guide

Submissions involve a written submission, not exceed 2,000 words and there is a file upload option for supporting content if necessary.

There is no precise ‘formula’ to be followed in any submission for any category of award but, as stated, submissions should focus on the Judging Criteria of category being entered and refer as concisely as possible to the grounds or reasons why the applicant should receive the relevant award;

If, for whatever reason, in the opinion of the judges, it is considered there are not sufficient entries in a specific category, the judges may withdraw that category from the awards; The decisions of the panel of judges are final;

There’s no limit of categories you may enter, but we offer a deal of five categories per property for €100, or ten categories for one property for €200 etc. Each property should be entered and billed individually.

All entries must be received by Friday, 4th October. Late entries will not be considered.

If you have any problems please contact us

2024 Categories

This prestigious award recognises catering excellence for businesses and corporations with a dedicated on-site team of 1-250 employees. Judges meticulously evaluate food quality, variety, adherence to dietary needs, and customer service. Additionally, sustainability initiatives, community engagement, and a commitment to promoting healthy eating habits are key criteria for this distinguished honour.

Judging Criteria

  • Culinary Diversity: Assessing the range and quality of culinary offerings provided to employees, considering taste, variety, and cultural inclusivity.
  • Dietary Accommodation: Evaluating the extent to which the catering service caters to diverse dietary needs and preferences, including vegetarian, vegan, gluten-free, and other special requirements.
  • Customer Satisfaction: Measuring the level of satisfaction among employees regarding food quality, service efficiency, and overall dining experience.
  • Sustainable Practices: Recognizing efforts to minimize environmental impact through sustainable sourcing, waste reduction, and eco-friendly practices in food production and service.
  • Community Engagement: Assessing the catering service’s involvement in local community initiatives, charity events, and programs that promote social responsibility and community welfare.
  • Health and Wellness Promotion: Evaluating initiatives aimed at promoting healthy eating habits and lifestyle choices among employees, including nutritional education, wellness programs, and access to nutritious options.

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This distinguished award celebrates outstanding catering companies serving large-scale businesses and corporations, boasting an on-site team exceeding 250 employees. Judges meticulously assess food excellence, menu diversity, adherence to dietary needs, and the delivery of exceptional customer service. The winner will be a catering company that consistently exceeds expectations in providing high-quality services tailored to the unique needs of large enterprises.

Judging Criteria

  • Culinary Diversity: Assessing the range and quality of culinary offerings provided to employees, considering taste, variety, and cultural inclusivity.
  • Dietary Accommodation: Evaluating the extent to which the catering service caters to diverse dietary needs and preferences, including vegetarian, vegan, gluten-free, and other special requirements.
  • Customer Satisfaction: Measuring the level of satisfaction among employees regarding food quality, service efficiency, and overall dining experience.
  • Sustainable Practices: Recognizing efforts to minimize environmental impact through sustainable sourcing, waste reduction, and eco-friendly practices in food production and service.
  • Community Engagement: Assessing the catering service’s involvement in local community initiatives, charity events, and programs that promote social responsibility and community welfare.
  • Health and Wellness Promotion: Evaluating initiatives aimed at promoting healthy eating habits and lifestyle choices among employees, including nutritional education, wellness programs, and access to nutritious options.

This category recognises catering companies that excel in providing exceptional catering services to schools, universities, and other educational institutions. Judges evaluate factors such as food quality, variety, adherence to specific dietary requirements, and the nutritional value of meals. Exceptional customer service is also a key consideration. The successful finalists demonstrate exemplary practices, delivering reliable, high-quality, and reasonably priced catering services tailored to the unique needs of educational settings.

Judging Criteria

  • Nutritional Integrity: Assessing the nutritional value and balance of meals provided by the catering company to educational institutions, considering factors such as portion sizes, food groups represented, and adherence to dietary guidelines.
  • Menu Diversity and Flexibility: Evaluating the variety and adaptability of the catering menu to accommodate diverse tastes, preferences, and dietary requirements within educational settings.
  • Dietary Accommodation: Examining the catering company’s ability to accommodate specific dietary needs and restrictions prevalent among students, faculty, and staff, including allergies, cultural preferences, and medical conditions.
  • Food Safety and Hygiene: Ensuring compliance with rigorous food safety standards and hygiene practices to safeguard the health and well-being of individuals served by the catering service in educational environments.
  • Responsiveness and Communication: Assessing the level of responsiveness, professionalism, and effective communication demonstrated by the catering team in addressing inquiries, resolving issues, and soliciting feedback from educational institutions.
  • Value for Money: Evaluating the overall affordability and cost-effectiveness of the catering services provided to schools, universities, and other educational institutions, considering the balance between quality, quantity, and pricing.

This category honours catering companies that excel in providing exceptional services to hospitals and healthcare facilities. Judges evaluate factors such as food quality, variety, adherence to specific dietary requirements, and nutritional value. Additionally, considerations may include the company’s dedication to sustainability, community engagement, and efforts to promote healthy eating habits. The standout finalists in the “Healthcare Caterer of the Year” category demonstrate exemplary practices, delivering dependable, high-quality, and reasonably priced catering services tailored to the unique needs of healthcare settings.

Judging Criteria

  • Nutritional Integrity: Assessing the nutritional content and balance of meals provided by the catering company to hospitals and healthcare facilities, considering dietary guidelines and the nutritional needs of patients, staff, and visitors.
  • Menu Variety and Adaptability: Evaluating the diversity and flexibility of the catering menu to accommodate a range of dietary preferences, restrictions, and cultural considerations within healthcare settings.
  • Dietary Compliance and Specialized Needs: Examining the catering company’s ability to adhere to specific dietary requirements, including restrictions related to medical conditions, allergies, and religious or cultural preferences prevalent among patients and staff.
  • Food Safety and Hygiene Standards: Ensuring adherence to stringent food safety protocols and hygiene practices to mitigate the risk of foodborne illnesses and maintain the health and safety of individuals served by the catering service in healthcare environments.
  • Sustainability and Environmental Responsibility: Recognizing the catering company’s commitment to sustainable practices, including sourcing locally grown ingredients, reducing food waste, minimizing packaging waste, and implementing environmentally friendly initiatives within healthcare facilities.
  • Community Engagement and Health Promotion: Assessing the company’s engagement with the local community and its efforts to promote healthy eating habits, wellness initiatives, and nutritional education programs among patients, staff, and visitors in healthcare settings.

This category puts the spotlight on outstanding catering excellence in Ireland for large-scale events with 100 guests or more. Judges are in search of caterers who excel in crafting seamless experiences, ensuring impeccable service and culinary mastery for significant gatherings. The distinguished finalists in “Ireland’s Event Caterer – 100 Guests or More” epitomise exceptional catering practices, consistently delivering memorable gastronomic experiences for events with a substantial guest count.

Judging Criteria

  • Culinary Creativity: Recognizing innovative menus and unique culinary concepts tailored for intimate gatherings.
  • Personalized Service: Evaluating the level of attentiveness and customization provided to clients for smaller-scale events.
  • Attention to Detail: Assessing meticulous planning and execution demonstrated in every aspect of event catering for gatherings over 100 guests.
  • Guest Experience: Gauging the overall satisfaction and enjoyment of attendees through exceptional service and culinary offerings.
  • Flexibility and Adaptability: Acknowledging the ability to accommodate diverse preferences and dietary requirements while maintaining excellence.
  • Memorable Moments: Highlighting the capacity to curate unforgettable experiences that resonate with clients and guests alike in intimate settings.

This category celebrates exceptional event caterers in Ireland who specialise in creating intimate experiences for gatherings with fewer than 100 guests. Judges are on the lookout for companies that excel in managing smaller-scale events, delivering personalised service and memorable culinary experiences. The distinguished finalists in “Ireland’s Event Caterer – 100 Guests or Less” epitomise exceptional catering practices, consistently crafting unforgettable moments for more intimate events.

Judging Criteria

  • Culinary Creativity: Recognizing innovative menus and unique culinary concepts tailored for intimate gatherings.
  • Personalized Service: Evaluating the level of attentiveness and customization provided to clients for smaller-scale events.
  • Attention to Detail: Assessing meticulous planning and execution demonstrated in every aspect of event catering for gatherings under 100 guests.
  • Guest Experience: Gauging the overall satisfaction and enjoyment of attendees through exceptional service and culinary offerings.
  • Flexibility and Adaptability: Acknowledging the ability to accommodate diverse preferences and dietary requirements while maintaining excellence.
  • Memorable Moments: Highlighting the capacity to curate unforgettable experiences that resonate with clients and guests alike in intimate settings.

This esteemed category recognises the most outstanding catering company in Ireland. Judges seek a company that consistently goes above and beyond in creativity, quality, and service. The winner isn’t merely a catering company; they are trailblazers, trendsetters, and the epitome of culinary excellence. Is your catering company prepared for this ultimate accolade?

Judging Criteria

  • Culinary Innovation: Evaluating the catering company’s ability to innovate and push the boundaries of culinary creativity, introducing new flavors, techniques, and concepts to the industry.
  • Exceptional Food Quality: Assessing the overall quality, freshness, and taste of the food produced and served by the catering company, ensuring consistently high standards across all offerings.
  • Exemplary Service Standards: Evaluating the level of service excellence demonstrated by the catering team, including professionalism, attentiveness, and responsiveness to client needs and preferences.
  • Trendsetting Initiatives: Recognizing the catering company’s role as a trendsetter and innovator within the industry, pioneering new trends, concepts, and approaches to catering services.
  • Client Satisfaction and Testimonials: Considering feedback and testimonials from clients and event attendees to gauge overall satisfaction with the catering company’s services and offerings.
  • Industry Recognition and Awards: Reviewing the catering company’s track record of industry awards, accolades, and recognition for excellence in catering, culinary arts, and hospitality.

In this category, we celebrate the true artisans of coffee – the elite Baristas of Ireland. Judges are seeking the epitome of excellence among coffee connoisseurs, those who turn every cup into a work of art. If you’re the maestro behind the espresso machine, creating unforgettable moments sip by sip, this is your opportunity to be recognised as the Barista of the Year. It’s not just about brewing coffee; it’s about crafting a sensory experience that elevates the everyday ritual of coffee enjoyment.

Judging Criteria

  • Sensory Creativity: Evaluate the barista’s ability to evoke unique sensory experiences through their creations.
  • Exceptional Customer Service: Examine the barista’s ability to interact with customers, meet their needs, and create a welcoming and engaging atmosphere.
  • Product Knowledge: Assess the barista’s in-depth knowledge of coffee origins, roasting profiles, and brewing methods.
  • Promotion of Coffee Culture: Recognize the barista’s efforts to educate and raise awareness among customers about the appreciation of quality coffee.
  • Stress and Pressure Management: Evaluate the barista’s ability to maintain service quality and coffee preparation standards even in stressful and busy situations.
  • Team Spirit and Collaboration: Recognize the barista’s ability to work effectively with other staff members to ensure a smooth and harmonious customer experience.

In this category, we applaud the exceptional contributions of Catering Assistants, the backbone of seamless event execution. Judges seek individuals who go above and beyond behind the scenes, ensuring every event’s success from setup to cleanup. The standout Catering Assistants epitomise dedication and excellence, playing a crucial role in delivering impeccable catering services. If you’re the unsung hero ensuring events run flawlessly, this is your moment to step into the limelight.

Judging Criteria

  • Efficiency in Setup and Breakdown: Assessing the speed and effectiveness of the catering assistant in preparing event spaces and dismantling equipment post-event.
  • Attention to Detail: Evaluating the thoroughness and precision exhibited by the catering assistant in arranging table settings, decorations, and other event elements.
  • Adaptability and Problem-Solving Skills: Recognizing the ability of the catering assistant to handle unforeseen challenges and adjust to last-minute changes during event execution.
  • Team Collaboration: Assessing the catering assistant’s ability to work cohesively with other staff members, including chefs, servers, and event planners, to ensure seamless coordination.
  • Client Interaction and Professionalism: Evaluating the catering assistant’s communication skills and professionalism when interacting with clients, guests, and event organizers.
  • Initiative and Proactiveness: Recognizing the initiative shown by the catering assistant in anticipating needs, taking preemptive action, and contributing positively to the overall success of the event.

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In this category, we spotlight the emerging talents, the Rising Stars in the catering industry. Judges are on the lookout for individuals making waves and setting trends. Whether you’re a young chef, manager, or innovator, if you’re bringing fresh perspectives and energy to the field, this is your chance to stand out. The Rising Star category is your platform to shine brightly in the ever-evolving world of catering.

Judging Criteria

  • Innovative Approach: Evaluating the candidate’s ability to introduce new ideas, techniques, and concepts that challenge traditional norms and drive innovation in the catering industry.
  • Leadership Potential: Assessing the candidate’s capacity to inspire and motivate others, demonstrate effective decision-making skills, and lead teams toward shared goals and objectives.
  • Adaptability to Change: Recognizing the candidate’s flexibility and resilience in navigating evolving trends, market dynamics, and industry disruptions while maintaining a proactive attitude.
  • Contribution to Sustainability: Evaluating the candidate’s efforts to promote sustainable practices, reduce environmental impact, and advocate for ethical sourcing and waste reduction initiatives within the catering sector.
  • Industry Impact and Recognition: Assessing the candidate’s visibility and influence within the catering community, including participation in industry events, collaborations, awards, and other forms of recognition.
  • Commitment to Excellence: Recognizing the candidate’s dedication to delivering exceptional quality, service, and customer satisfaction, reflecting a commitment to excellence in every aspect of their work within the catering industry.

This category celebrates the culinary maestros who seamlessly blend creativity and leadership – the Chef Managers of Ireland. Judges seek individuals who not only excel in the kitchen but also demonstrate effective team management. If you’re the one redefining culinary innovation and inspiring your team, this is your chance to be recognised as the Chef Manager of the Year. It’s not just about cooking; it’s about leading with culinary excellence.

Judging Criteria

  • Culinary Innovation: Evaluating the chef manager’s ability to introduce innovative recipes, cooking techniques, and menu concepts that push the boundaries of culinary creativity.
  • Leadership and Team Management: Assessing the chef manager’s effectiveness in leading and motivating kitchen staff, fostering teamwork, and maintaining a positive work environment.
  • Menu Development and Curation: Recognizing the chef manager’s skill in designing menus that reflect culinary trends, seasonality, and guest preferences while maintaining high standards of quality and presentation.
  • Operational Excellence: Evaluating the chef manager’s ability to oversee kitchen operations efficiently, including inventory management, cost control, and adherence to food safety and sanitation standards.
  • Customer Satisfaction and Feedback: Assessing the chef manager’s commitment to exceeding customer expectations, soliciting feedback, and continuously improving dining experiences based on customer input.
  • Professional Development and Industry Engagement: Recognizing the chef manager’s efforts to mentor and develop culinary talent within the team, as well as their engagement in industry events, associations, and professional development opportunities.

In this category, we honour the exceptional leaders in the catering world – the Catering Managers of Ireland. Judges seek individuals who skillfully navigate the challenges of the industry while inspiring their teams to deliver unparalleled service. If you’re the visionary guiding your team to success, this is your opportunity to be recognised as the Catering Manager of the Year. It’s not just about managing events; it’s about leading with innovation and excellence in the world of catering.

Judging Criteria

  • Strategic Vision and Planning: Evaluating the catering manager’s ability to develop and execute strategic plans that drive business growth, enhance service quality, and meet client needs effectively.
  • Team Leadership and Motivation: Assessing the catering manager’s skill in inspiring and empowering team members, fostering a positive work culture, and promoting collaboration and accountability.
  • Client Relationship Management: Recognizing the catering manager’s proficiency in building and maintaining strong client relationships, understanding client needs, and exceeding expectations to ensure client satisfaction and loyalty.
  • Operational Efficiency and Resource Management: Evaluating the catering manager’s aptitude in optimizing resources, managing budgets, and streamlining operations to achieve maximum efficiency and profitability.
  • Innovation and Adaptability: Assessing the catering manager’s ability to innovate and adapt to changing industry trends, market demands, and client preferences, driving continuous improvement and staying ahead of the competition.
  • Quality Assurance and Customer Experience: Recognizing the catering manager’s commitment to delivering high-quality service and exceptional customer experiences, maintaining standards of excellence, and continuously seeking ways to enhance service delivery.

Join us in applauding the trendsetters of the catering industry – the vanguards of sustainability. Judges seek out catering establishments that go above and beyond in their dedication to eco-friendly practices. If your catering operation is a standout example of environmental responsibility, seize this moment to receive the Outstanding Sustainability in Catering Award. It goes beyond delivering exquisite dishes; it involves championing sustainable initiatives and spearheading environmental responsibility within the catering domain.

Judging Criteria

  • Environmental Impact Reduction: Evaluating the extent to which the catering establishment actively works to minimize its environmental footprint through initiatives such as waste reduction, energy conservation, and water efficiency.
  • Sustainable Sourcing: Assessing the catering establishment’s commitment to sourcing local, organic, and ethically produced ingredients, as well as its efforts to support sustainable agriculture and fisheries.
  • Waste Management and Recycling: Recognizing the catering establishment’s effective waste management practices, including recycling programs, composting initiatives, and efforts to reduce single-use plastics and packaging.
  • Energy Efficiency Measures: Evaluating the catering establishment’s implementation of energy-efficient technologies and practices, such as energy-efficient appliances, LED lighting, and renewable energy sources.
  • Community Engagement and Education: Assessing the catering establishment’s engagement with the local community to promote sustainability awareness and environmental education through initiatives such as workshops, events, and partnerships.
  • Continuous Improvement and Innovation: Recognizing the catering establishment’s commitment to ongoing improvement and innovation in sustainability practices, including the adoption of new technologies, methods, and strategies to further reduce its environmental impact.

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This category celebrates the culinary maestros of the foodservice industry in Ireland. Judges seek chefs who redefine excellence through exceptional culinary skills and innovation, setting new standards for gastronomic brilliance. Whether in restaurants, cafeterias, or diverse food-related settings, this award recognises chefs who elevate the dining experience and leave an indelible mark on the world of foodservice. If you’re the visionary shaping the future of culinary excellence, seize the opportunity to be crowned as the Foodservice Chef of the Year.

Judging Criteria

  • Culinary Creativity and Innovation: Assessing the chef’s ability to innovate and create unique dishes that push the boundaries of culinary artistry and inspire new trends in the foodservice industry.
  • Consistency and Quality: Evaluating the chef’s commitment to maintaining high standards of taste, presentation, and consistency across all dishes served, ensuring an exceptional dining experience for patrons.
  • Menu Development and Diversity: Recognizing the chef’s skill in designing diverse menus that cater to a range of tastes, dietary preferences, and cultural influences, while showcasing creativity and innovation.
  • Leadership and Team Management: Assessing the chef’s leadership qualities and ability to inspire and mentor kitchen staff, fostering a collaborative and high-performing culinary team.
  • Customer Satisfaction and Engagement: Evaluating the chef’s focus on customer satisfaction, feedback, and engagement, creating memorable dining experiences that exceed expectations and foster customer loyalty.
  • Contribution to Culinary Culture: Recognizing the chef’s impact on the broader culinary community through initiatives such as culinary education, mentorship programs, and contributions to culinary publications or events.

This category highlights excellence in public sector food service in Ireland. It honours teams that go beyond mere catering, creating exceptional culinary experiences within public institutions. Judges seek services that exceed expectations, delivering quality cuisine, outstanding service, and a commitment to customer satisfaction within the public sector. If your team has transformed food service in the public sector into a genuine culinary experience, this category provides a valuable opportunity to shine as the Public Sector Food Service of the Year.

Judging Criteria

  • Culinary Excellence: Assessing the quality, creativity, and diversity of dishes offered by the public sector food service, considering taste, presentation, and nutritional value.
  • Service Standards: Evaluating the level of professionalism, efficiency, and attentiveness demonstrated by the food service staff in providing exceptional service to customers within public institutions.
  • Customer Satisfaction: Measuring the overall satisfaction and feedback of customers, including visitors, staff, and stakeholders, regarding the food quality, service experience, and overall dining atmosphere.
  • Innovation and Adaptability: Recognizing the ability of the food service team to innovate and adapt to changing dietary trends, preferences, and nutritional guidelines while maintaining high standards of culinary excellence.
  • Health and Safety Compliance: Ensuring compliance with food safety regulations, hygiene standards, and health protocols to safeguard the health and well-being of customers and staff members.
  • Community Engagement and Impact: Assessing the food service team’s involvement in community outreach programs, educational initiatives, and efforts to promote sustainable practices and healthy eating habits within public institutions.

In this category, we honour culinary leaders creating authentic connections with their ingredients. The ‘Menu Provenance of the Year’ award celebrates companies dedicated to showcasing diverse local and seasonal produce year-round. Judges seek menus that skillfully reveal unique flavours from fresh, locally sourced ingredients. If your company’s menu exemplifies a year-round commitment to local treasures, seize the opportunity to be crowned Menu Provenance of the Year.

Judging Criteria

  • Locally Sourced Ingredients: Evaluating the extent to which the menu features ingredients sourced from local producers and suppliers, highlighting a commitment to supporting the local economy and reducing environmental impact.
  • Seasonal Menu Rotation: Assessing the frequency with which the menu changes to reflect seasonal availability, showcasing a dedication to using the freshest and most flavorful produce throughout the year.
  • Regional Culinary Influence: Recognizing the incorporation of regional flavors, techniques, and culinary traditions into menu offerings, creating authentic connections with the local food culture.
  • Ingredient Traceability and Transparency: Evaluating the transparency of information provided to diners regarding the origins and sources of ingredients used in menu items, fostering trust and accountability.
  • Culinary Innovation: Assessing the creativity and ingenuity demonstrated in the use of local and seasonal ingredients to create unique flavor profiles and innovative dishes.
  • Sustainable Practices: Recognizing efforts to promote sustainability throughout the supply chain, including initiatives to reduce food waste, support sustainable farming practices, and minimize environmental impact.

Elevating the dining experience to a realm of well-being, this category celebrates menus that seamlessly blend taste and nutrition. It’s not just about satisfying cravings; it’s about setting a new standard for menus that nourish and delight. Judges seek innovation and creativity in crafting menus that promote a healthy lifestyle. If your menu stands out for its innovative approach to health and nutrition, seize this opportunity to be recognised as the Health & Nutrition Menu of the Year. Enriching the culinary landscape, this award honours menus that prioritise both flavour and wellness.

Judging Criteria

  • Nutritional Balance: Assessing the overall balance of nutrients, including proteins, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins, and minerals, in menu offerings to support a healthy diet.
  • Whole Food Ingredients: Evaluating the use of whole, minimally processed ingredients in menu items to maximize nutritional value and minimize additives and preservatives.
  • Seasonal and Locally Sourced Produce: Recognizing the incorporation of seasonal and locally sourced fruits, vegetables, and other ingredients to promote freshness, sustainability, and support for local farmers and producers.
  • Dietary Accommodations: Assessing the inclusivity of the menu by offering options for various dietary preferences and restrictions, including vegetarian, vegan, gluten-free, and allergen-friendly choices.
  • Flavor and Culinary Creativity: Recognizing innovative flavor combinations, cooking techniques, and culinary presentations that enhance the dining experience while promoting health and wellness.
  • Transparency and Education: Evaluating the provision of clear and accessible information about the nutritional content and sourcing of menu items, as well as educational initiatives to promote healthy eating habits among diners.

In this category, we celebrate the rising talents and future stars in the catering industry – the Apprentices of Ireland. Judges are on the lookout for individuals who exhibit exceptional dedication, skill development, and a passion for the culinary arts. If you’re an apprentice making strides and leaving a mark in the industry, this is your moment to be recognised as the Apprentice of the Year. It’s not just about learning; it’s about showcasing your commitment to excellence and the promising future you bring to the world of catering.

Judging Criteria

  • Culinary Skills Development: Assessing the apprentice’s proficiency and growth in fundamental culinary techniques, including knife skills, cooking methods, and food preparation.
  • Creativity and Innovation: Recognizing the apprentice’s ability to demonstrate creativity and innovation in recipe development, menu planning, and presentation of dishes.
  • Professionalism and Work Ethic: Evaluating the apprentice’s professionalism, punctuality, reliability, and willingness to learn, adapt, and collaborate within the culinary environment.
  • Mentorship and Learning Engagement: Assessing the apprentice’s engagement with mentors, instructors, and industry professionals to seek guidance, feedback, and opportunities for skill enhancement and career development.
  • Adaptability and Problem-Solving: Recognizing the apprentice’s ability to adapt to challenging situations, problem-solve effectively, and demonstrate resilience in fast-paced and dynamic culinary settings.
  • Contribution to Team and Environment: Evaluating the apprentice’s contribution to fostering a positive team culture, supporting colleagues, and maintaining cleanliness, organization, and safety standards in the kitchen environment.

Step into the limelight of hospitality excellence! This category pays tribute to establishments that elevate the art of customer service in Ireland. Judges are in search of venues that surpass expectations, curating extraordinary experiences through flawless service. If your establishment epitomises top-tier customer service, this is your moment to shine as the Outstanding Customer Service of the Year. It’s more than service; it’s about crafting indelible impressions, turning every guest into a delighted patron, and setting the standard for unparalleled hospitality.

Judging Criteria

  • Exemplary Service Standards: Evaluating the establishment’s commitment to delivering consistently high-quality service that exceeds customer expectations.
  • Personalized Guest Experiences: Recognizing efforts to tailor services and interactions to the individual preferences and needs of guests, creating memorable and personalized experiences.
  • Professionalism and Courtesy: Assessing the professionalism, friendliness, and courtesy demonstrated by staff members in their interactions with guests, enhancing the overall atmosphere of hospitality.
  • Attention to Detail: Evaluating the establishment’s meticulous attention to detail in all aspects of service delivery, from table settings and decor to communication and follow-up.
  • Problem Resolution and Guest Satisfaction: Recognizing the establishment’s ability to effectively address guest concerns, resolve issues, and ensure high levels of satisfaction throughout the customer journey.
  • Innovation in Service Excellence: Assessing innovative approaches and initiatives implemented by the establishment to enhance the overall guest experience, differentiate from competitors, and set new standards in hospitality excellence.

In this category, we salute the philanthropic leaders in the catering industry – the Charity Fundraising Sites of Ireland. Judges are on the lookout for venues that stand out in their commitment to charitable causes, organising events that make a positive impact on the community. If your site is dedicated to giving back and making a difference through charity fundraising, this is your moment to be recognized as the Charity Fundraising Site of the Year. It’s not just about events; it’s about using the power of catering to contribute to meaningful causes.

Judging Criteria

  • Impact on Community: Evaluating the extent to which the site’s charity fundraising events have made a positive impact on the local community, including support for underserved populations, charitable organizations, and social causes.
  • Fundraising Success: Assessing the site’s effectiveness in raising funds for charitable causes through events, campaigns, and initiatives, considering both the amount raised and the reach of fundraising efforts.
  • Engagement and Participation: Recognizing the level of engagement and participation from the community, volunteers, sponsors, and donors in the site’s charity fundraising events and activities.
  • Alignment with Charitable Causes: Evaluating the site’s alignment with a diverse range of charitable causes, including health, education, poverty alleviation, environmental conservation, and social justice.
  • Innovation in Fundraising Strategies: Assessing the site’s creativity and innovation in developing and implementing fundraising strategies, events, and campaigns that inspire generosity and support for charitable initiatives.
  • Transparency and Accountability: Recognizing the site’s commitment to transparency and accountability in fundraising practices, including clear communication of fundraising goals, allocation of funds, and impact reporting to stakeholders and the community.

Within this category, we honour individuals, establishments, or initiatives that have made an extraordinary impact on Ireland’s catering landscape. More than a mere accolade, this is a unique acknowledgment for those who have gone above and beyond, leaving an indelible mark on the industry. If you know someone or something deserving of this distinguished recognition, now is the moment to highlight their exceptional contributions to the vibrant realm of catering.

Judging Criteria

  • Transformative Innovation: Recognizing individuals, establishments, or initiatives that have introduced groundbreaking innovations or transformative ideas that have reshaped the catering landscape in Ireland.
  • Exemplary Leadership: Acknowledging individuals who have demonstrated exceptional leadership qualities, inspiring others, and leading by example to elevate standards and drive positive change within the catering industry.
  • Community Impact: Evaluating the extent to which individuals, establishments, or initiatives have made a significant and positive impact on the local community through their contributions to the catering sector, such as job creation, community engagement, or support for charitable causes.
  • Culinary Excellence: Recognizing individuals or establishments that have consistently achieved excellence in culinary arts, setting new standards for taste, creativity, and quality in Irish catering.
  • Sustainability and Ethical Practices: Assessing the commitment of individuals, establishments, or initiatives to sustainability, environmental stewardship, and ethical business practices within the catering industry, including efforts to reduce waste, promote local sourcing, and minimize environmental impact.
  • Industry Recognition and Influence: Recognizing individuals, establishments, or initiatives that have garnered significant recognition, awards, or influence within the catering industry, both nationally and internationally, contributing to the overall reputation and prestige of Irish catering.