We are delighted to announce that Sullivan’s Brewing Company will be sponsoring the Ireland’s Best City Hotel category at the Virgin Media Business Gold Medal Awards 2023!

Founded in 1702 in Kilkenny and at its height in the late 1800’s Sullivan’s was exporting to USA, Australia and across Europe. Having fallen on troubled times in 1918 due to a sizeable lost horse-bet in Douville France, the brewery & trademarks were acquired by James Smithwick in 1919, the brand being dormant ever since. The Smithwick family revived the business in 2016 with the mission of bringing brewing back to Kilkenny, after the Smithwick brewery was moved to Dublin in 2012. Relaunching Sullivan’s in Kilkenny has long been a mission of their founders, and they’re enormously proud that their brewery is currently under construction in central Kilkenny, with its first brew-date planned early 2024.

Since it’s relaunch, the company has expanded its global footprint to 14 countries and 43 states in USA. They are highly focused on bringing premium traditional Irish ales around the world, and they fly the Irish flag proudly both at home & overseas on this great adventure of theirs.

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